Digital Resources

Digital resources refer to online assets used for accessing, storing and distributing information. In today’s digital era, these resources play a pivotal role in various fields such as education, business, and entertainment. They encompass a wide range of materials, including documents, images, videos, audio files, learning modules, presentations or data sets. These digital resources are essential for supporting organisational processes, enhancing learning experiences and enabling efficient communication.
Click here to start the learning module.
- Lecture 1
- Quiz 0
- Duration 90 minutes, reflection and transfer: 15 minutes
- Skill level Alle Stufen
- Language English
- Students 3
- Assessments Yes
Click here to see the contents.

This learning module gives you an overview of the possibilities of evaluating, selecting, creating and sharing digital resources for teaching and learning.
This module will encompass:
- the different kinds of digital resources and use cases for them
- a selection of tools and technologies that are suitable for creating digital learning materials
- how to identify, evaluate and select digital resources based on pedagogical criteria
- possibilities to create, reuse and modify digital resources
- possible copyright restrictions and privacy issues in using, protecting and sharing digital resources

Note on creation:
This learning module is part of the online course "digital competences" to support teachers, trainee teachers and students in developing their digital literacy. It is created by the teff academy in 2024.
Das Lernmodul wurde von Mechthild Wiesmann, teff academy und und dem Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung der Universität zu Köln erstellt.
Dieses Lernmodul wurde als freies Bildungsmaterial im Sinne von OER (Open Educational Resources) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung der Universität zu Köln und den folgenden Partnern erstellt.