Facilitating learners’ digital competence
Digital tools affect every aspect of our life. Our society is getting more digitised by the minute, and, as a result, we need many new competences. For instance: the ability to manage digital tools responsibly and in relation to different situations and contexts, the awareness of the risks of constantly producing data and a basic knowledge of the functions of algorithms.
This module focuses therefore on how you can support your learners to expand their digital competence beyond technical skills and help them to use digital tools responsibly.
Click here to see the contents.

This learning module describes the competence areas of DigComp and how they can be used in the school and classroom context.
This module includes:
- an overview of the competences relevant to your learners as described in DigComp
- ideas and methods for creating learning scenarios that enable you to include these competences in your lessons
- opportunities for reflection and exchange of ideas
- a collection of tools and methods to which you can add your own ideas and experiences